One Nation Under God

By Justin James

When political differences sparked tension between the thirteen colonies and Great Britain, a revolutionary war broke out which led to the 13 colonies declaring independence in 1776. The defection of the British and the creation of the Declaration of Independence laid the groundwork for one of the most powerful nations known to man.

With its enormous economic growth and its powerful military expansion, The United States has evolved into a thriving nation. Although prosperous, The United States has had its fair share of injustices from slavery to women’s rights,  disadvantaging women and people from black afro descent. Outside of the discrimination, I think it’s safe to say the U.S. has evolved into an opportunistic promise land, filled with milk and honey. Economic opportunity for the working man or women and the free expression of individual thought and religious belief. From the entertainment industry in Hollywood California to the brokers on Wall Street in New York; The U.S. is a nation filled with top quality goods, services, and wealth.

It would be silly to think citizens from a nation full of prosperity would suffer any hardship; I mean compared to the rest of the world. 

Unlike third world countries, Americans are blessed with food in their stomachs and access to clean water. We have the convenience of traveling a small distance to consume the foods of our choice and we are obsessed with food. We are privileged enough to spend large amounts of money on our dining adventures and pair alcohol with specific food items to bring out savory flavors with every bite. Whereas third world countries hunt for their food, we hunt for sport and many times we don’t eat the game that we kill.

Last time I checked no one in The U.S. is dying from starvation but rather we are indulging in gluttony. The U.S. loves food so much that we are currently dominating the obesity race with about 40 percent of our population diagnosed with obesity. Maybe, we like our food a little too much.

Americans love to party and have a good time. We consume alcohol at a rapid rate leaving 14 million people diagnosed with an alcohol problem of some sort. When alcohol doesn’t do the trick we turn to other drugs that serve our needs and help us escape from the horrible reality we live in. The opioid addiction has taking more lives than the Vietnam War, with a continual increase in deaths. Thankfully we have the war on drugs to fight the bad drug dealers and drug addicts.

But in reality, this multi-billion dollar operation has killed and incarcerated millions of people and still has not accomplished its purpose of decreasing “criminal” drug activity.

Statistically speaking, the war on drugs has not shown any decrease in usage in U.S. citizens. However, it has incarcerated a huge number of Mexican and Black Americans; Breaking their families apart and giving them extraordinarily long sentences due to an ineffective war since 1971.

The government knows what’s best and I guess I like seeing my tax dollars fight other people’s addiction, even though the war on drugs has been going on for over 45 years and addiction and death from narcotics continue to spike. The government will eventually get it right. Right?

When American’s party we also tend to get lose and try to impress one from the opposite sex, or same sex, in hopes of a sexual encounter. Filled with Lust, misogynist men flood the strip clubs to feed their habits.  With porn addiction on the rise, Americas’ fascination with sex has brought an increase in traffic to porn sites, consisting of about 30,000 visitors per second. Man’s fascination with sex and lust has enabled a rape and sexual harassment culture amongst many professional spaces but in particular the media, entertainment industry, and college institutes.

Instead of viewing women as people, a lot of men view women as sexual objects. Americans have become so ingrained in the sex culture that manipulation and force are being conducted to seduce women. Interesting to see values go by the wayside even though our country is making huge advances.

Our country is blessed beyond mankind’s wildest dreams. We have access to a plethora of endless possibilities at our fingertips. We have access to an innovative device that has revolutionized technology and provides us access to pretty much anything we want at any moment. From smartphones to other outstanding technological advances being produced by masterminds in Silicon Valley, the U.S. is without a doubt spoiled and privileged. Due to these advancements, impoverished US citizens are living lavish lives compared to the rest of the world, as well as the generations before us. Yet, depression and other mental health disorders are at an all-time high.

Third world countries find pleasure in life’s most valuable assets such as friends, family, and God, whereas Americans find value in material products. We are attached to a device that gives us 24-hour access to social media and pretty much any other search one desires to make. Studies show that social media causes psychological damages to individuals. With building pretentious friends, comparing lifestyles, and being on specific platforms for long hours throughout the day, social media is damaging the mental health of adults and adolescents. Cyberbullying is triggering adolescents to take their lives at a rapid rate. But let’s face it, social media will be with us for a long time because masterminds in the tech industry are continuously innovating their platforms. 

So, luckily these children are getting the proper education they need at a public school. Lowering the standard and requiring little to no accountability but instead pushing every child through High School; Just to hand them a useless diploma with little to no life skills that teachers fail to provide throughout each student 14-15 years of schooling. This is not to blame the teachers, but instead, the education think tanks who regulate the system and plan each curriculum that they feel will benefit each student.

Fortunately, (some) High School Students have access to higher education. The University Establishments which indoctrinate 18-year-olds with the philosophies of Karl Marx, preaching the importance of central planning. Professors blame white capitalist for contributing to the country’s unfair wealth disproportion of classes. Not the government who implemented laws to enslave black people and divide the wealthy white class from the impoverished black class. No, according to college professors, free market capitalism is the cause for the divide, so the way to fix the problem is to expand the highly corrupt government and form a socialist society.

College professors often politicize their teachings to promote more left-leaning viewpoints. Which I guess is fine, but political viewpoints won’t provide you with a good job. Understanding white privilege and the damages of the male patriarchy might convict you if you’re a white male, but it won’t guarantee you a well-paying career. But I guess having a negative $60,000 net worth when you graduate is worth it as long as you understand the importance of white male corruption in the world.

College graduates might have some debt, but at least they understand the importance of big government and welfarism. This government they rely on expands the Republicans’ military and increases the Democrat’s welfare state.

In government we trust.

From the revolutionary war that was fought to gain independence, to World War 2 that was fought to stop the spread of fascism and depower the Nazis; We are now, spreading our American Exceptionalism throughout the Middle East in order to stop the spread of Radical Islam. With military bases surrounding Iran, bombs being dropped literally every 12 minutes, and the deaths of innocent Muslim civilians, we still view middle eastern countries and their citizens as “barbaric animals.” We refuse to view our own actions as destructive and imperialistic.

The United States military-industrial complex is a global bully forcibly intervening it’s power only to escalate tensions more with those we claim we are helping. Carrying out airstrikes that are taking the lives of civilians just to stop the spread of ISIS. The US has been Intervening in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan for close to 20 years. Our overall goal is to be the global police and make sure these countries are living up to our standards and ceasing the possibility of a nuclear attack.

The US actively participates and founds the worst humanitarian crises in modern times. Backing the Saudi led coalition with The War In Yemen, U.S. forces provide Saudi Arabia soldiers with endless amounts of military equipment and striking abilities. Along with multiple Yemen raids and the obliteration of Yemen Civilians. Using starvation as a war tactic to defeat the Yemenites, U.S. tax dollars continue to feed this atrocity.

But who cares what our country is doing overseas; All Americans care about is their political affiliation.

Democrats and Republicans wake up every morning just to fuel off of information demagogues and the divisive media establishment give them. With Republicans too busy fighting political correctness and identity politics but supporting regime change, war, and a multi-billion dollar border wall… Democrats are too busy mindlessly fighting President Trump and siding with any and every entity and political figure that has a motive to stop him. Special interest groups and neocons who promote war are friends of Democrats as long as they align with the anti-Trump ideology. 

While these two parties bicker back and forth about cultural issues, the D.C. Establishment beast continues to hide America’s corruption. Both parties could care less about the issues at hand, but would rather fight with their adversaries; Resulting in a productionless society.

The news cycle and politicians have placed the American People on the brink of a civil war. Or at least they perceive it that way. Divisive corporate media outlets that never address real issues but rather the opinions of those issues. Which enables a political climate in this country that is hostile and anemic from valuable information.

Since the rise of the unpredicted, reality tv star known as Donald Trump, the whole country has made his presidency the center of the universe and topic for all discussions. The Trump revolution has built up this perception of policy and ideas that is centered around two teams, Team Trump and Team Anti-Trump. We have become so sensitive to this man’s actions- regardless if he’s implementing policy or being critiqued for his policy- that the political discourse in this country has revolved around Donald Trump. You are with him or you are against him, no gray area. Rational discourse and the idea of free thought has diminished in this country, but instead forcing the conformity to side Trump or side Anti-Trump.

The country that is most desired among the world has turned chaotic and is rotting from the inside out. As media outlets push their pro-war propaganda and politicize all their reporting to fit their party, the American public continues to reap the consequences of a divisive society. We are spoiled beyond mankind’s wildest dreams and we continue to consume ourselves with anger, selfishness, ignorance, and pride. A country that God’s hand was once on has now lost its direction through spoiled tendencies, government control of education, deficient media outlets, and most important, the lack of open-mindedness.  

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