Twitter’s Conservative Civil War

Earlier today Daily Wires’ founder Ben Shapiro responded to Infowars’ Alex Jones’s tweet regarding Jones hosting both Candace Owens and Kanye West on his show by saying “No, @kanyewest. No. No.”  Once Candace Owens got wind of Shapiro’s tweet she responded by saying the following below.

Shapiro’s tweet provoked Alex Jones to address this issue on his show. After the show, Jones responded with.

This was the start of Twitter’s Conservative Civil War between Shapiro enthusiasts and Alex Jones fanatics.

Shapiro and Jones continued their conflict by tweeting back and forth insults of each other. This then sparked followers on both sides to exploit the comment section on their tweets.   

As I observed The remarks on Ben Shapiro’s comment section I soon realized how ridiculous the Infowars cult following is. Anyone who thinks the conservative movement is a laughing stock can credit that to Alex Jones and his cronies, along with his cult following. Shapiro was bombarded with replies to his tweet that consisted of repugnant, disturbing, anti-semitic, remarks towards him personally. No rational adult engages in an intellectual conversation this way and this by no means represents the conservative movement in a positive way.

Comments of Shapiro being a Never Trumper or Establishment Republican made it is clear that these people have absolutely no clue what they are talking about, but instead they spout out anything they can to hurt their adversaries.

In the heat of the battle, Jones calls out Shapiro to a debate stating the following. 

Jones comment about having a debate doesn’t make a lot of sense considering they both share the same ideologies except one of them spends their time educating and roasting college students while the other one continues to get roasted on Comedy Central. Now you tell me who’s helping the conservative movement?

Infowar cronies all get a piece of Shapiro. Mike Cernovich tweets.

Nice Mike, way to feed into the sensitive political correctness that conservatives have spent years trying to dissolve. Nice job assuming Shapiro is solely criticizing Candace and Kanye because of the color of their skin. I’m sure Mike would make the same statement if Ben was to criticize Candace for going on CNN.

Paul Joseph Watson goes full Joker from The Dark Knight with his tweet criticizing David French.

I try to wrap my mind around someone who claims to be so revolutionary, exposing the corruption of our dirty politicians, with his lips permanently stuck to President Trump’s ass, while he continues to kiss it, day in and day out. And anyone who criticizes Trump — in the slightest — is obviously a deep state establishment republican.

A reporter, journalist or conspiracist, credibility is completely shot when they bow at the altar of those such as Trump. Assuming he is perfect without sin. In all reality, every politician slips up and it’s the jobs of journalists and reporters to call them out regardless of the reporters’ political stance.

Ben Shapiro is open about his bias but he still has the integrity to discuss the stupidity of the Republican party and the stupidity of our current president. This is why he is credible. He does not sell his audience short on facts or tell them what they want to hear, rather he tells them what they need to hear, unlike Infowars.

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