You’re born, you age, and then you die. But what lives on is your memory, what people know and remember about you. Who wants to live their whole life with all their thoughts, ideas and stories stored away in their head? Luckily here in the United States we have this thing called The First Amendment which allows each individual the right to freedom of speech. The Hearken was created to encourage people from all walks of life to tell their stories, discuss popular topics, and express their opinions. Whether you are left, right or center your beliefs and ideologies matter, and we encourage you to voice them.

We post articles written by  journalists that we don’t know in hopes that people will view them on our timeline and understand our stance politically and culturally. But what if we don’t like what journalists are publishing these days? Why do we spend our days listening to other individual’s opinions and not allowing ourselves to be heard?

Our society is extremely polarized and it is hard to find objective journalism. We encourage people to reach out and share their opinions and stories. Please share your voice with us by clicking the contact button below. 

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