Do Republicans really care about free speech?

Star of ABC’s hit show, ‘Roseanne,’ Roseanne Barr, was recently fired and kicked off the air for her abhorred racist comment to Valerie Jarrett, stating “Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby = vj.” While many people cheered the firing of the Right Wing Trump supporter others displayed their frustration that the anti-free speech, PC culture victimizing yet another popular figure. 

Following the firing of Barr, the next day TBS Star Samantha Bee made a very vulgar inappropriate comment about Ivanka Trumps’ Twitter post of her kissing her baby stating Ivanka Trump is a “feckless c*nt.” Bee, Unlike Roseanne Barr, did not get a response from TBS within hours informing the public that her show has been canceled.

It did not bode too well for some that Bee was able to keep her job. To be specific, Trump Supporters. Why is it that Samantha Bee can call Ivanka Trump a “C*nt”  but Roseanne Barr can’t call a black person a monkey? Roseanne Barr can make any racist comment she wants but she also has to realize the company who pays her can also fire her for those remarks. Moreover, Samantha Bee can say whatever she wants and we can choose to be offended.  

Right wing Trump supporters so often advocate for free speech and the protection of their first amendment rights, but they have to realize Roseanne committed PR suicide when she made that comment. The network would suffer a great loss if they kept her show, in addition, Roseanne has a history of making racist comments

I understand conservatives are thirsting for a Hollywood figure to represent them, but do you really want an uncanny, bigot celebrity fulfilling the stigma the left already portrays you as? No, she’s clearly racist and gives Trump supporters a horrible image.

One component I believe, driving the Trump movement is the culture war against political correctness. Some people support our current president because he is blunt and is far from PC. So why are conservatives feeding into the PC movement by complaining about Samantha Bee?

Yes, I get it. The liberal forces behind the media and Hollywood took the one person you had and Samantha Bee got a free pass. It’s hard to swallow I understand. But let free speech be free speech, regardless if you like it or not. Liberals say nasty things and so do Conservatives.

Well, conservatives showed their free speech hypocrisy on Twitter with their sensitive “snowflake like” responses to Samantha Bee’s vulgar comment. Conservatives demanded that Bee is taken off the air and that her sponsors are pulled out from under her.


In the heat of frustration by the right, Daily Wires’ Ryan Saavedra tweeted a list of all of Samantha Bee’s sponsors and requested his followers protest their brand so they eventually stop sponsoring her.

Then when Discover Card (one of Bee’s sponsors) commented on Ryan’s tweet, a flood of angry conservatives took their frustration out on Discover Cards’ brand demanding the sponsor drop Bee or they will drop their service.

Wait a minute, Didn’t liberal David Hogg protest Laura Ingraham’s sponsors? When she made her semi-smug remark at him and the right blew up? Many conservative commentators viewed Hogg’s protest as an attack on free speech; stating liberals have thin skin and can’t take a simple jab.  Conservatives need to realize that they are committing the same act as Hogg with their outrage. Free speech can be offensive and harsh. 

Are not Republicans free speech advocates? And, are not Republicans against political correctness?

Well, it seems conservatives only care about destroying political correctness when it goes against their viewpoints. I understand that all this is a move to counter and prove the double standard but that does not justify feeding into the narrative you so often criticize. Even though Bee is vulgar and grotesque, we also need to remember she is a comedian who has more range to spout off inappropriate language. I am by no means justifying what she said but I can say its a few notches below comparing a black woman to an ape.

There are 7 billion people on this planet who all perceive things differently. Yes, some might perceive Roseanne’s comment to be racist and some may not. Some might find Bee’s comment repulsive and some might not. Allow free speech to be heard and choose to be offended or not. Regardless of our opinions, the stations hosting Bee’s and Barr’s shows are the ones who make the decisions to fire or keep the entertainers.

So, instead of complaining about what people say, let their bosses deal with them accordingly and don’t act like a crybaby because someone offended you. Or, you can get offended and protest but don’t cry when the other side protests against you.

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