Right Wing Hypocrisy

This past week the NFL announced that it will no longer allow players to kneel during the national anthem and any player that carries out the act will be fined. This has been an extremely controversial subject amongst the American public. Traditional conservatives see this act as disrespectful to the soldiers who have served. Whereas liberals support the protest and the stand against corrupt injustice in our justice system.

Regardless, right or wrong, whatever your beliefs are on this matter, it is safe to say that this protest is harmless. Kneeling during the national anthem is a simple expression of the first amendment and is not infringing on the rights of others.

Considering conservatives have a habit of expressing their concerns that their free speech is being suppressed and under attack, one would think they would hate this new regulation. Well, think again. The hypocrisy of the right really showed its true colors on Twitter with their absurd responses to this censorship.

Vice President Mike Pence decided to be witty when he tweeted the following below.

No Vice President Pence, Suppressing free speech in a free country should not be marked off as a “Win.” Considering you’re the Vice President of The Free World. But thanks for restricting more of our human rights and putting more control in the hands of the higher powers.

Not only did Vice President Mike Pence make smug remarks on this issue, but other oppositionists praised the censorship.

If these people identify as a constitutionalist, patriotic, conservative, or “free thinker” it should be understood that individuality is more important than letting the powers above make decisions for us. We live in a culturally and ideologically diverse country. If one opposes the anthem protest, honest conversation and expressing your disapproval with evidence and facts is always better than using regulations to silence your adversaries. You can not force your patriotism or beliefs onto others.

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