Shut Up Hollywood, You’re Not Real Activists.

Due to the burning of the Buddhist flag and the pro-Catholic policies in South Vietnam, Vietnamese Mahayana Buddhist monk Thích Quảng Đức demonstrated his political frustrations by publicly committing suicide via setting himself on fire on the streets of Saigon. Malcolm Browne captured this disturbing photo of the highly displeased Buddhist.

What would cause a man to take his own life because of the displeasure he feels towards his country and government? Why would someone allow themselves to publicly burn their flesh to the ground in the middle of the streets, just to protest policies they disagree with?

Quảng Đức shows us how far activist will go to bring attention to political policies they don’t agree with. But unlike Thich, most Hollywood elitists, who claim to be progressives, would never make these kinds of sacrifices to jeopardize their careers.

While Quảng Đứcc sets himself on fire to make a statement in South Vietnam, notable names such as Jennifer Lawrence, Whoopi Goldberg, Amy Schumer, Lena Dunham, Samuel L Jackson, George Lopez, Spike Lee, Elisabeth Moss and many others all stated that they would be moving out of the country if Donald Trump was to be elected president. Well, not one of them made the move. Practice what you preach does not seem to be a priority in Hollywood.

Hollywood is a city built on sexual harassment and now that the industry has been exposed celebrities, producers, and directors all seem to conveniently care about victims of sexual abuse. Where were these people 20, 10, 5, or 1 year ago? Most importantly, what has the Hollywood Foreign Press been doing this whole time?

The Hollywood Foreign Press has one job and that is to report on activity in the entertainment industry. Why did it take Ronan Farrow at The New Yorker to expose Harvey Weinstein’s repugnant sexual behavior?

Farrow truly is the patriarch of the #Metoo movement, not the celebrities who virtue signal at the Golden Globes by wearing black after their industry has been exposed for the filth that it is.

I find it hard to believe that prominent Hollywood figures were clueless about the sexual activity dominating their industry. I would also be naive to believe that any of these prominent figures would jeopardize their career to help abuse victims.

Harvey Weinstein, just one year ago was celebrated as a god and still would be if it wasn’t for Farrow. Weinstein and other notable Hollywood scum have always been glorified.

In 2015, pedophile Woody Allen was given a standing ovation by his Hollywood colleagues for his work on Irrational Man. Interesting to see these Hollywood activist support someone who sexually abused a 7-year-old.

Hollywood’s support continues with child rapist Roman Polanski. Polanski, pleading guilty of raping a 13-year-old in 1977 – also allegation of molestation to a 10-year-old girl – on top of being accused by multiple women for sexual misconduct. But that doesn’t seem to matter to Hollywood with their support for him to flee the country to avoid prison time. He was also awarded Best Director in 2003, with a standing ovation for his work on The Pianist.

I do not infer that the entire Hollywood scene is saturated with imposters. In fact, the industry has a fair share of genuine and charitable individuals. The celebrities and movie makers in Tinsel Town have a platform to do a lot of good.  So please Hollywood, if you are going to try to be activist, please practice what you preach because there are people like Thích Quảng Đức who have sacrificed their lives for their cause while you enjoy your lavish life, claiming to care.  

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