Resistance Grifters’ Brian and Ed Krassenstein

Resistance Grifters’ Brian and Ed Krassenstein

In the wake of the tragic Synagogue Shooting that took the lives of 9 Jewish people in Pittsburgh PA, newly discovered evidence points to factors that might have influenced the shooter. Gab, the small social media platform provides a message posted by the shooter moments before the attack stating: “HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people. I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I’m going in.”

The platform’s history with antisemitism and racist rhetoric forced GoDaddy and other internet infrastructures to close all ties with the free speech platform.  

As we all know, with free speech comes harsh speech and Gab users do not hold back with their rhetoric. Offensive content that would normally be banned on social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook is socially acceptable on Gabs’ site. The platform attracts voices that would most likely be silenced or condemned on Twitter.

We all know racists people are bad and have skewed views of society. Their scumbags who have horrible opinions and contribute disgusting views to the public. But, just like everyone else these scumbags have a right to free speech as much as anyone else. And I can’t help but find it absurd that the media and Silicon Valley oligarchies think it’s necessary to link the acts of the mass shooter to his affiliation with Gab. Did influence this horrific tragedy? Absolutely not.

Well, unfortunately, many Twitter personalities think this is their world and we’re just living in it, so the only way to reduce racism, bigotry and harsh language is to simply ban it (I disagree.) The account whose rhetorics struck a nerve with me is none other than the 2 biggest grifters on social media, Ed and Brian Krassenstein.

The Krassenstein Twin Brothers Are Now Banned From Twitter

As of May 2019, both Ed and Brian Kraasentien have been permanently banned from Twitter. Why you ask? Well, according to The Daily Beast they broke the rules by operating fake accounts and purchasing fake interactions with their accounts.

The Krassenstein brothers were known on Twitter as the trolls who were able to respond quickly to President Trumps’ Tweets. They also fed their coalition of mindless hypochondriacs overhyped Russian conspiracy theories.

Before he was banned Ed Krassenstein had roughly 925,000 followers and Brian Krassenstein had more than 697,000 followers. So obviously this banning put a huge dent in their personal brand and online visibility.

About The Krassenstein Brothers

These 2 brothers claim to be progressive Democrats, but in all reality, they use their Twitter accounts as Trump opportunists to build an absurd following of Russian conspiracists. Ed Krassenstein is a Justin Bieber bottom feeder, who has built his following off the pop’s fan base. The brothers also created a children’s book where Bob Muller looks like a damn Chippendale; and oh yea, they were under federal investigation for Ponzi schemes.

Ed and Brian Are Not Progressive 

But outside of their ridiculous cult following and backstory, these 2 brothers have a false perception of being progressive liberals. Progressives who condemn free speech by advocating for the dismantle Multiple Tweets coming from each brother account to silence the platform

Ed and Brian must have forgotten what it means to be progressive. One of the most progressive entities in American history, that has fought for suppressed people, by providing the freedom of individual liberty is the ACLU.

Over the years, this progressive organization has not only stood for freedom of speech for people of color, LGBT members, and women but has also defended  KKK members and Nazis’ First Amendment rights.

Progressive’s know the importance of individual liberty and they fight for liberty for all, regardless of the viewpoint. The ACLU has repeatedly defended KKK members in the courtrooms by advocating their right to meet for clan seminars.

Although the ACLU was targeted by the clan, and although riots broke out when they defended the clan, the ACLU continued to fight for free speech for all. The First Amendment is undoubtedly the most important constitutional right given to the American citizen. George Washington himself said, “If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.“

So Ed and Brian please quit the act that you’re “progressive democrats” because anyone who actually cares about the individual liberties of the American people is going to advocate for free speech. Yes, bigotry is unexceptable, but promoting the censorship of those you dislike solves nothing.

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