The Christmas Nativity Scene Has Lost Its Significance

The Christmas Nativity Scene Has Lost Its Significance

As church attendance decline, society lacks basic knowledge of Christian philosophy and principles. Most people remain uncertain as to what the Trinity is, or what the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ represents. And surprisingly during Christmas, most people do not understand what the Nativity Scene represents.

The nativity scene tends to be misunderstood and mocked at times. “Little baby Jesus” in a manger filled with hay, surrounded by animals, 3 wise men, angels, Mary and Joseph.  Seeing a white European looking baby, surrounded by people worshipping him does not sit well with the non-believer.

For one, the plastic white baby Jesus should not be of European descent but instead a middle eastern Hebrew complexion. And two, people forgot that the baby in a manger next to Animals represents God in the flesh.

All mighty God entering the carnal world in a manger. Not a palace made of gold, with a noble, elite class of people. But a manager.

Brought down from heaven to be born of a virgin. The almighty God who created the heavens and the earth. The first and last, alpha and omega. Described in the bible as unsearchable. The book of Isaiah says, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

This is the powerful God as a baby choosing to be born in a manger next to animals. This is unthinkable for gentry humans.

Why is this significant? Because it shows the humility of God and his teachings to mankind.  That unlike the elite man, the nativity scene demonstrates Christ as a symbol of lowliness and meekness. He represents the behavior humans should display to find peace and joy on earth.

The Christian Catholic Religion has propped up the image of Christ as a prominent, powerful aristocrat. Which couldn’t be further from the biblical truth. Truth is Christ was a servant to the people. He washed the feet of those he served, healed the sick, and exposed the religious elite for the hypocrites they were.

The nativity scene should not be seen as a white plastic baby being looked down on by people. But rather the significance of the all mighty God exemplifying himself as a humble servant teaching humanity the true meaning of joy.  


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